Individualized Wellness



 Need a program that is designed to meet your busy schedule?

BTG Well Co’s MBS Program will help you find a wellness plan that feels right and honors your mind, body, and spirit. We also keep in mind your time availability, as well as gently guide you in a direction that leads to more love, compassion, and self-love. These programs are about redesigning your life from the inside out.

BTG Well Co | Wellness Coaching for Leaders and Corporate Executives | collage of woman meditating and healthy fruits to improve overall body health

The MBS Programs are for you if…

  • You've started countless exercise routines and nutritional programs, yet don't see the results or have the time to fit in all the steps and hours 'required'.
  • You’ve scaled the ranks in your career and are ready to put that same passion into your own health and wellness.
  • You are a leader, a parent (animal/child), who gives to everyone is your time, your time to figure out how to care for yourself so you can serve from a full cup.

 The MBS Programs have a clear focus on empowering your

  • MIND

  • BODY


We start this program out with the power of the mind, the power it has to tell our story, and create our reality and, most importantly, rewire it to be what we want it to be. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s capacity to continue growing and evolving in response to life experiences. Plasticity is the capacity to be shaped, molded, or altered; neuroplasticity, then, is the ability of the brain to adapt or change over time, by creating new neurons and building new networks.

We will help you develop the conscious and subconscious habits to feel well in all the areas of your life—beyond the borders of a gym, beyond the limitations of your mind and your story, and onward to self-love and self-care. We will build daily habits, exercises, and practices for you to find mental and physical consistency, confidence, and balance-rewiring your brain, and empowering you to live the life you love. We incorporate meditation (proven to rewire the brain), affirmations, and manifesting to author the story you dream of.

Through a Functional Movement Screen, we will assess your body, how it moves in 3D space and develop a program that’s not only for YOUR body, but also matches your goals, and fits in a time frame that is achievable for you. Your workouts will challenge your brain, balance and core, and will not take up any more time than you have or need to meet your goals.

We will help you find what feeds your soul, and allows for deep self love practice of healing, nurturing, and the ability to allow oneself to be filled up so you can in turn serve the way you want to.


We offer three programs that are designed to meet you where you are at, given the time that you have.
All programs will include customized movement, fuel, and mindset plans.

BTG Well Co | Wellness Coaching for Leaders and Corporate Executives | woman working out with bands on an individualized wellness plan


The Novice Program will give you the tools to create life-changing habits through a customized plan, designed to help you better understand your body and mind through the power of movement, meditation, nutrition, and affirmative self-talk. It takes 66-69 days to create a habit, and we will utilize every one of those days to ensure you’re equipped with the necessary tools to find consistency and commitment in your lifelong journey to wellness.

  • 70 days
  • 3 meditations, 3 affirmations
  • 6 total body workouts
  • 3 x 60 min coaching calls


The Intermediate Program will require an overriding commitment and newfound discipline. We will overcome the feelings of doubt and inaction and create a space of non-judgment and presence. Each person’s needs will be different and we will ensure that every aspect is centered around your individual needs and goals, with each day made to encourage and motivate, not judge or deter. In this program, we will build your knowledge and skills, and fine-tune all the various aspects of your life, empowering you to become a better version of yourself.

  • 6 months
  • 6 meditations, 6 affirmations
  • 12 total body workouts
  • 6 x 60 min coaching calls
BTG Well Co | Wellness Coaching for Leaders and Corporate Executives | woman working out with dumbbells on individualized wellness plan


The Advanced Program is all about consistency and maintenance through continued support. Showing up, committed to self, showing habitual grace, compassion, and self-love in every thought, word, and action; serving with purpose through drink, food, movement, meditation and simply being present. Your habits will be well-established and you will return with love to honoring your mind, body, and soul. You will find new strength and grace through continued movement and workouts and nutrition tailored to your changing and evolving self.

  • 12 months
  • 12 meditations, 12 affirmations
  • 24 total body workouts
  • 12 x 60 min coaching calls
BTG Well Co | Wellness Coaching for Leaders and Corporate Executives | quotation symbol

 Overall, I feel great and look forward to a happier, healthier me.

- J.S., Account Exec Austin, TX

 We will develop the conscious and subconscious habits to feel well in all the areas of your life—beyond the borders of a gym, beyond the limitations of your mind and your story, and onward to self-love and self-care. We will build daily habits, exercises, and practices for you to find mental and physical consistency, confidence, and balance.



  • We begin with an in-depth initial consultation, which covers all things mind, body, and spirit-injuries, workouts, nutrition, daily habits, etc. We will map out a plan to support you in your individualized journey; one that offers a holistic approach to happiness, health, movement, strength, power, and self-love. We will start where you are, judgment-free, with expert coaching and accountability.

  • You will receive your individualized program which will include your specialized meditations, affirmations, workouts, Ultimate Warm-Up video, All Things Rehab video, and a link to schedule our coaching calls.

  • You will also have access to Kara via text or email anytime you need…it might take 24 hours for her to respond, BUT she will do her best to keep it under that, except for the weekends, on which, she will get back to you Monday afternoon.

BTG Well Co | Wellness Coaching for Leaders and Corporate Executives | collage of man stretching and avocados for overall body health and fitness

 No matter where you are,

today is the day to start.